


 The map on the left is Japan,
 first you have to find out ”Saitama”,
 which is situated almost middle of Japan.
 When the mouse point changes to a hand mark,
 it is the Saitama−ken. Please click.



   アジア大陸の東海岸に沿って弓なりにのびている島が日本です。4つの大きな島(北海道、本州、四国、九州)と大小 7,000 近い島々から成り立っています。その面積はドイツ(357,000km2) とほぼ同じです。日本の陸地の面積は約 378,000km2です。日本は小さい国とよく言われますが、それでも、日本の北から南のはてまでとなると、約 3,500kmはあり、その風景の変化たるや他の国とは違った多彩な姿持っています。しかし、実を言うと、アメリカの州の1つであるカリフォルニア州よりも日本が小さいということは、あまり知られていません。カリフォルニアは約 411,000km2もあります。周りを海に囲まれた日本は山地が多く、その大部分は傾斜が急で森林に覆われています。国土の67%が山地で、平野は13%しかありません。富士山をはじめ三原山や雲仙岳、阿蘇山などを含む7つの火山帯があります。川幅は狭く流れが急で、海に流れ込むあたりには平野が広がっています。

    Japan and it’s nature.

    Japanis an island nation lying off the east coast of the Asian continent.  It has the general shape of a crescent. The country is made up of four main islands (Honshuu, Hokkaido, Shikoku and Kyuushu) which together with a little under 7,000 smaller islands are collectively referred to as the Japanese Archipelago. The land area of Japan is almost same as that of Germany. But it is normally mentioned that Japan is a smmaller country.

    Japan’s land area is about 378,000 sq/km(146,000 sq/miles) and it extends 3,500 km (2,190 miles) from  tip to tip and the variation of landscape and seasons are unique in contrast to other countries.

    Nearly 70% of Japan’s land area is mountainous and most of this is forested, far over half of the country’s total area is coverd in forest.

    There are seven major volcanic zones, such as Mt.Fuji, Mt.Unzen, Mt.Mihara and MT.Aso etc. Most of Japanese rivers are narrow and fast flowing and run into vast esturies before reaching the sea.  











  Seasons in Japan

  There are four seasons in Japan. Spring(March to May) Summer(June to August) Autumn(Sept. to Nov.) Winter(Dec. to Feb.)  Most of Japan does, however, enjoy a temperate, oceanic type of climate with four distinct seasons.


  In almost all parts of Japan, the best season is spring. The country side is especially beautiful. All is fresh and green. With the first storms of the spring, the weather is getting wamer and many kinds of flowers start to sprout up. Schools and companies are thronged with newcomers on April 1, every year.


  When the rainy season is over, it is summer. People go to mountain areas or sea side for vacations. On the Pacific side, the summers are hot and humid with prevailing seasonal winds from the southeast.


  On one hand, Japan is often hit by typhoons and suffer considerable damage. On the other hands, the air is stimulating and the leaves change color. Local festivals and traditional events are held during this season. People visit local areas to enjoy these events.


  The winters are dry and marked by many clear days. On the Sea of Japan side, northwesterly winter winds off the Asian continent bring regular heavy snow.